Initial Intake/Gate Analysis and First Session
This usually takes about 90 minutes. Forms completed ahead of time will allow more time spent with your dog. Intake forms will be emailed to you and gone over in person the first session. A gate analysis and treatment plan will be completed. This step can be waived if desired.
Cost: $120
30 minute and 60 minute sessions
All dogs are different and may like longer or shorter sessions. At first, sessions are usually short until your dog is accustomed to massage. After 2-3 sessions, longer sessions may be more beneficial.
Cost: 30/60 minute $45/$80
Packages are a nice way to go as time can be rolled over to the next session if your dog feels complete and the cost per session is also reduced.
30 Minute: 5 sessions $225 ($20 savings)
60 Minute: 5 sessions $340 ($60 savings)
Outcall Fee:
(when done at your home)
$40 each session
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